Linkedin Publishing – how to use it for business purposes?

3 mins read -
March 20, 2020

LinkedIn is the largest business portal, bringing together professionals from around the world, and it was accepted as an employee and employer service. It’s enough to publish your virtual CV there. However, many people forget about the social nature of the site.

You can share interesting industry materials, show professional interests, establish valuable contacts with future employers and business partners. One of the less popular features of this social networking site is the LinkedIn Publishing platform – a place to create and publish content in the form of articles. How to create content at LinkedIn Publishing and how to use this tool to develop your business and build a strong personal brand?

Why LinkedIn Publishing?

LinkedIn Publishing is a free platform within Linkedin that allows for the publication of essential articles, in which you can also place graphic materials, videos and hyperlinks. This tool is extremely useful when building your personal brand on LinkedIn.

Regular publication of expert materials strengthens the credible and professional image of the future employee, and also makes his profile positioned higher on the website. Besides, the user’s contact network, thanks to it, can get to know him from the professional side, and thus, in the future, he can be recommended to a potential employer. The significant advantage of creating and publishing content on LinkedIn Publishing is that immediately after the publication of the article, the entire contact network of the author will receive a notification. However, there is no need to promote texts only on LinkedIn.

You don’t have to be logged in to the site to read them, so you can easily promote the content on other social channels as well. In this way, not only interesting content is promoted, but, above all, the author. As a result, thanks to the expert image, he can spread his wings inside the industry. However, this is not the end of the advantages of using the LinkedIn platform. The website also provides statistics on all published articles, thanks to which the author can make direct contact with people interested in the subject, encourage them to discuss and leave their opinion. To do this, use the “Share box” option in the author’s private profile.

Perfect article

An ideal article that will be real support for the business image should reflect several principles. What should you draw attention to when writing a publication?

#1 Topic and title

When preparing to create content, first of all, you should focus on one specific topic. It should be related to the author’s previous professional experience and reflect his interests.

Thanks to this, the article will be authentic, and thus it will be more credible for the reader. The trends in the industry are also significant. If the topic of the article presents popular issues, showing their new approach, the text will be more popular and the probability of reaching a wider audience will be higher. Nevertheless, even the best-written article won’t succeed if it’s not given an appropriately engaging title.

It should contain the most important, specific benefits of reading the article, making that the recipient will immediately want to read it when receiving the notification of the new text. From the research conducted by Noah Kagan, the ideal length of the title is from 40 to 49 signs. How to build an article to get interested recipients? According to Kagan, the best effects will be given by two types of content:

– guide articles, the title of which begins with the question “How to do something”;

– articles containing guide check-lists.

#2 Opinion

Many people wonder if this type of content should include their own subjective opinions, especially when they don’t coincide with generally prevailing trends. Yes, an individual approach to different industry problems usually brings benefits. Nevertheless, it should be highlighted, that expressing extreme or offensive views will have an adverse effect on the image. A similar effect can appear if the statement containing the author’s opinions will have an unprofessional character.

#3 Value

When writing an essential article, you should remember that its primary purpose is to transfer knowledge. Recipients must know, that the content they intend to read, will bring value to their previous work. That’s why it’s so important to highlight the benefits of reading at the stage of the title and the headline. And therefore, facing the dilemma, how often you should publish content, it’s always worth asking yourself if we have something valuable to convey.

 #4 Additional materials – photos, videos, links

LinkedIn Publishing platform allows you to add photos, videos and links inside the article. Nevertheless, the research carried out by Kagen shows, that the best results are obtained by the publication of 8 photos, that illustrate the topic of the statement.

By mastering the basic schemes of creating content dedicated to LinkedIn Publishing and creating user-friendly content that adds value to his business, we can increase our chances of development on the most significant business website.

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